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Aimi is the AI Music Initiative.
On-demand. Royalty and copyright cleared. We make music work.


Founded in 2019, Aimi is a pioneer in Al music. Its generative music platform creates the best-sounding music across the most diverse set of genres. By using a novel approach to Al that offers exceptional steerability to creators, developers, and musicians, Aimi's platform avoids the moral and legal challenges associated with training on unlicensed, copyrighted music

Aimi Sync

Score Videos with Customizable Music And Voiceovers in A Fraction of The Time

Aimi Sync is a web app that lets anyone effortlessly sync customized, generative music to video. The music is 100% copyright and royalty-cleared.

Automate Music Scoring

Automate music scoring, making it easy to add high-quality, perfectly synced music to your video.

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Creativity Icon

Creative Control

Adjust any aspect of the music structure and how it syncs to your video.

High-Quality Music Icon

Diverse Music Genres

Access a wide range of electronic music genres, with more like Pop, EDM, and Indie coming soon.

For All Creators Icon

Variety of Languages and Voices

Generate voiceovers in multiple languages and voices, making your content accessible to diverse audiences.

Aimi Music Services

High-Quality, Generative Music On-Demand.
100% Royalty-Cleared
And Risk-Free.

Aimi Music Services is a web service that generates production quality, high-precision music on-demand for enterprise customers.

Royalty & Copyright Free Icon
Adaptive & Versatile Icon
On-Demand Icon
High-Quality Music Icon

Royalty & Copyright Free

Aimi provides enterprise clients with 100% royalty-cleared, risk-free music on demand as a service.

Adaptive & Versatile

Offers real-time adaptability to inputs, operating seamlessly across client, cloud, and offline environments.


Enables the generation of high-precision music on demand, accessible via API.

Elevate Beyond ‘Prompt And Pray’

Exceptional music quality with fine-grained precision only possible with Aimi's proprietary generative music platform.